Is Your Ego Getting in the Way?

Is your ego getting in the way of a good Ezine.

Successful Ezines or electronic magazines are well written and usually stick to the 80/20 rule. 80 per cent good content, 20 per cent advertising or self-promotion.

Write as a friend and make an emotional connection with your readers.

How do you do this?

In When Good Newsletters Go Bad: How to avoid the rut and capture hearts Meryl K. Evans, Editor, eNewsletter Journal, provides the following advice:

"Ensure the advertising to content ratio is in favor of content.

1. Include a free offer.

2. Put links to the site where it is appropriate (byline, banner, published line, etc.).

3. Create "special" offers good for a limited time.

4. Add related products or services at the end of an article.

5. Limit the sending of offers or specials in a separate email."

Check your Ezine against this list. Source: eNewsletter Journal, November 10, 2004, Issue 3.21.